Problematic Prospects: How to Handle Them With Finesse

Today we tackle a sticky subject – problematic sales prospects and how to handle them without losing the sale (unless they are REALLY problematic…) We’ve identified these six types of problematic prospects:

Control Freaks – people who absolutely NEED to control the process. It’s their way or the highway.

Know-it-alls – they know your offering better than you (or at least think they do)

Disrespectful of your time – Taking calls during a meeting, showing up late (or not at all), leaving early, etc.

Overly skeptical – 80% of CEOs don’t trust marketers, making earning that trust something of a challenge.

Little white liars – Folks who act like they’re buying, but are only trying to get a bit of free consulting.

Negotiators – Negotiation is normal, haggling something down to the nth degree for anything and everything isn’t.

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