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About the podcast

In weekly episodes streamed live on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, veteran marketers Pete Monfre and Bill Lowell share decades of hard-earned wisdom, interview Master Marketers, host panels on cutting edge topics and more. 

If you are relatively new to marketing and want to enhance your skills or if you are a veteran marketer keeping up with the latest approaches, The B2B Marketing Mindset is a treasure trove of free knowledge. 

Soon we’ll be launching free B2B Marketing courses to help you become a Master Marketer either for your own business or to advance your career goals. 


The Team


Is Marketing Research a Waste of Money? Our Research Says: No

Like many things “marketing” the answer is: “It depends”. Another question is “Do you like gambling?” I personally don’t gamble. I don’t think it’s wrong. I think it’s stupid and expensive. When it comes to our clients, they don’t pay us to gamble with their money. That’s where research comes in. Today we are unwinding the value of marketing research and asking the hard questions to help you figure out if research is right for your situation.

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This is Why Prospects Don’t Want to Talk to You.

Today we are talking about sweeping changes in the B2B market that affect every company and industry and why companies are almost universally seeing lower close rates, longer sales cycles and prospects that just don’t want to talk to them.

There are big changes afoot. We’ll help you understand the dynamic and give you strategies to adapt and overcome.

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